Things to See & Do Nearby

There are many things to see and do with in a two hour drive proximity to the farm.

Meadow Grounds Lake is just 5 minutes from Mt Ayr Farm.

Lake Raystown is a 30 minute drive from the farm.

Gettysburg Civil War Battlefield is a two hour drive from Trails End, 1-1/2 hours for Mt Ayr Farm.

Washington, D.C. our Nation's capital is a two hour drive.

Baltimore, Md and Annapolis, Md are a two hour drive.

Penn State University at University Park is an hour and 45 minute drive.

The C&O Canal at Hancock, Md is a 45 minute drive, 35 minutes for Mt Ayr Farm.

Bedford Springs Golf Course is an hour drive.

The Great Cove Golf Course is a 20 minute drive for Trails End, 5 minutes for Mt Ayr Farm.


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